Friday, October 10, 2008

Day 11 - October 10, 2008

So, after rough news last night, things have brightened a bit today.

Mom seemed to have a good night. Slept reasonably well and kept her stomach contents where they belonged. They did remove the chest tube last night, and the lung is looking pretty good today. Her right lung is looking great (minimal amount of fluid). Her left lung is looking much better, but still has some fluid. They want to keep her on the vent a while longer, until some more of that fluid has departed her lungs.

She's been talking to us this morning (but is sleeping right now). She's got a fan blowing on her, so it's pretty cool in her room. I asked her if it was alright for me to go get my jacket out of my car. I got a really big smile out of her. I asked if she was laughing at me for being cold, and she gave me an enormous nod of her head. It's encouraging to see her personality is intact. She's also asked a few questions that make it very clear she's still heavily medicated, but she's continuing to confirm that she isn't in pain.

So, today has been a good day so far. I'll probably not post again late this evening (like after 6:30 when they kick me out of her room). We haven't talked with the ortho docs today to learn anything more about the infection or the plans for surgery over the coming days... I'll let you know anything more that we find out in this evening's post.

Thanks for your prayers - I think all of us are doing better this morning than we were last night.


LeAnn said...

My pies are in the oven for the pumpkin festival tomorrow. I guess it must go on without you, the pumpkin queen, but it won't be as much fun.

We ache with the disappointment of yesterday's news but are grateful you had a good night and we pray that today you and your family will experience God as:

My Jehovah-jireh (our God who provides)
My Jehovah-raah (our caring shepherd)
My Jehovah-shalom (our God is peace)
My Jehovah-rophe (our God who heals)

Love and prayers,

M.T. said...

We love you Patti! What a mighty God we serve! Praise God for his healing power. He is the same yesterday, today and forever! He is and will continue to keep you. He will continue to heal your body. I'm so thankful that you continue to rise above. That just shows your fighting spirit. We will continue to pray and expect God to move in your life in miracleous ways. What a testimony your going to have!

In prayer,

Kenny, Tonya, and Leah

Carina said...

I'm having a hard time getting over to OKC. (People keep leaving without me!) But I can't wait to see you, Mrs. Schimmer, and I hope by the time I do you'll be able to talk. I'm sure you've saved up a lot of things to say!

I love you and we're continuing in prayer for you here in our little house.

(Alana, congrats on Ted's interview, and I hope things are going well for him in that area!)

Schimmer Family said...

Hi Mrs. Schimmer,

My mom just told me about the updates and I've enjoyed getting caught up on your progress. Praise the Lord for the healing power He's already shown and will continue to show. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

Lacy Brown (Schmidt)
Stillwater, OK

Tyralee45 said...

Yeah! It still ended up being a forward day! The prayers are continuing here.