Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Day 23 - October 22, 2008

Not a lot more to report this morning.

Mom had a really good night - slept really well. We spoke with the ortho resident this morning regarding the spinal surgery tomorrow. They plan to fuse 4 vertebrae in her lower back together using rods, pins, and some bone growth matrix to fuse the vertebrae together. They tell us it shouldn't impact mobility much simply because that portion of your back doesn't bend much anyway. They'll do that surgery tomorrow, and it should take approximately 1 1/2 hours. They didn't give us a time, but as we all know by now, it wouldn't really mean much if they did! :-)

Additionally, we spoke with the plastic surgeon today. She's planning to unwrap and check on Mom's legs Friday afternoon. I guess it takes some time, and they don't want to hurry through it. So, if you're planning to visit on Friday, morning or evening would probably be best. It doesn't exactly feel fantastic when they unwrap these grafts, so we have a suspicion she might not be feeling great after they do this.

Assuming the grafts all took well on her legs, the spinal surgery should be the last one for awhile. She'll then head to rehab for a couple of weeks, then home until she has to come back for the next surgeries on her legs / feet!

We certainly need prayer for the surgery tomorrow. There are always risks with any surgery, but when they start messing with your spinal column there are additional risks. Please pray for the wisdom and steady hands of the surgeons. We'd certainly like everything that needs to stay intact to remain that way!

Donita - I have a quick request from Mom. Would you take another picture of the bulletin board at school and email it to me? I'm going to blow it up a bit and hang it in her room. Also - make sure you add pins to St. Joseph, MI and West Palm Beach, Florida (just north of Ft. Lauderdale)!

Thanks for all the prayers - as we've said many a time, the prayers are what are going to get us through all of this.

Final thought of the morning: Hubby started his new job this morning! Praise the Lord!


Anonymous said...

Glad Patty had a good night. Will pray for steady hands for surgery. Also for easy unwrapping of legs Friday. So happy about the new job.

Jeanette Stone said...

So what is hubby (? name?) doing?
We are continuing to pray for everyone daily.
Jack and Jeanette Stone
Elizabeth Ruyle

Tyralee45 said...

We will add wisdom and steady hands of the surgeons to our prayers. I also pray everything goes as expected so she can get back home.
Congrats to you and your hubby for him starting his new job!

Becky Wilson said...

Can you post the photo of the bulletin board from school?

nimrod said...

wow! whos Hubby?