Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Day 44 - November 12, 2008

WE'RE GOING HOME (for now, at least)!!!

We're taking Mom home this afternoon!!! She's excited, but a little nervous. There will obviously be some challenges, but we're going to tackle them!!

So, we'll take her home for awhile, then she'll have to come back to OKC for some additional surgeries. We're not sure when those surgeries will be, so for now, we're taking her home!!!!

I'll keep you posted as to how we're doing at home!


Tyralee45 said...

Going Home! Yeah! There's no place like home. I will continue to keep you guys in my prayers. I wish you guys the best of luck!

dianb said...

YAY!! This is awesome news! I saw your mom last week at Baptist and thought she was doing remarkably well. I've had a chance to share with her, some of my adventures following my similar accident, now 12 years ago. There are challenges as you mentioned, but God gives us the strength to face those challenges. I told her that she would become keenly aware of the difficiency in handicap facilities out in the public. I still notice those things to this day.

I know it will do a lot of good for her to be back at home. Thanks again for all the continued updates on the progress.

Karla said...

You are at the top of my Thanksgiving list. I am very thankful for God's care and His healing hand in you and the boys. I can not imagine all that you are going through, but reading Alana's posts I see all the victories and blessings you have received these past six weeks. There is much challenge ahead, but I trust that much GRACE will be given to handle each. I continue to pray for you.

Kelli said...

Congratulations on going home today! You were such a joy to work with every day and one of the hardest working patients I've ever met. Enjoy being home and keep up all the hard work. You're doing awesome!

Jennifer said...

I'm so excited! This is great news. I'm glad she gets to come home. It is hard for me to imagine what she has been through. I know God has something very special planned for her. I will continue to pray for all of you.

Melva said...

Home, Sweet Home...Home for the holidays!!!!

I am so thankful for your recovery and now to be able to be in your own home is such a blessing!

While adjustments must come and may be frustrating at times, I know that Patty will tackle each one with a smile and determination. I don't think I've ever seen her back down from a challenge! :)

With continued prayers for you,

Anonymous said...

Praise God! I'm so glad your getting to go home. The holidays will truly be a blessing and a miracle. I'm going to the Women of Faith this weekend and will lift your name up in praise and healing and thankfulness. Ron and I love you dearly. See you soon.

LeAnn said...

We celebrate and give thanks for this huge milestone with you! So how was sleeping in your own bed?

I bet it felt kind of weird to come home to the leaves mostly off the trees since when you left last time they were still on and green!!

Anyway, welcome back to this part of the world!


Carina said...

I'm so excited to hear this news, and I haven't stopped praying. I can't wait to see you back at CBA someday, Mrs. Schimmer! I know there are challenges between here and there, but I've never doubted for a moment that they would be overcome.